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firmus energy Briefs Businesses on Energy Market

firmus energy

firmus energy hosted over 40 Northern Ireland large energy users at its annual energy market briefing.

The event provided insight into global energy markets and was attended by large businesses, political representatives and journalists with a specific interest in energy matters.
Ulster University economist Gareth Hetherington provided an overview on the local economic outlook and traders from Bord Gáis Energy provided further information on gas, oil and electricity markets.
Alistair Lamont from Kingspan Insulation Limited said, “This briefing gave an extremely informative overview of global gas, oil and electricity markets and will help our company make informed decisions on our future and current energy purchasing strategy. It was also helpful to be updated on the current local economic outlook, the success of firmus to date and their plans to take natural gas further.
firmus energy supplies natural gas to more than 80,000 homes and businesses across Northern Ireland. The company, based in Antrim, has ambitious investment plans to extend its network which will make the benefits of natural gas available to thousands of more businesses and homes each  year.
To find out if you can connect to natural gas: Visit or call 0800 032 4567.


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