Help & Advice Tip: My Pay-As-You-Go Top-Up meter is not working! I have no heating. My meter has error codes. Please Help!

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Corporate Social Responsibility

firmus energy takes to the road to offer energy saving tips to help people save energy

Homeowners could be losing as much as one third of their heating through inefficient measures

firmus energy’s first ‘Lets Save Energy’ roadshow is being held in the company’s home town of Antrim on Saturday 7th May from 10am to 3pm. The drop in event, which is open to all, will provide the public with tips, advice and guidance to help them save money by saving energy.  The event forms  part of a wider firmus energy Let’s Save Energy roadshow series taking place over the coming weeks, which will cover the company’s entire network area.

Energy advisors from the Antrim-based natural gas company as well as other experts will be on hand to offer energy saving advice and answer questions on new and emerging sustainability and energy efficiency technologies such as heat pumps, biomethane and grants as well as outline  funding available for anyone wanting to upgrade their central heating system.

Damien Dineen firmus energy’s local energy advisor said,

“Many households are wasting energy and that translates into pounds and pence. By introducing a few energy saving measures homeowners can improve their environmental footprint, save money on their bills and ensure they aren’t wasting money by heating a poorly insulated home. Our Let’s Save Energy Event will steer people through the do’s and don’ts of saving energy and provide practical advice allowing them to better manage their budgets and reduce their bills. It’s a game changer and I urge as many people as possible to attend.”

All firmus energy staff are City & Guilds Energy Awareness trained and are able customers to get the best advice on how to make the most out of their radiators, boilers and other appliances.

The event is taking place at Stiles Community Centre on Saturday 7th May from 10am - 3pm and is open to all Antrim households. Registration is not required.



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