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Transport Themed Photography Competition Results

Image: Travel Photography Image

Transport Themed Photography Competition 2016 Results.

This month's photography competition theme was "Transport". Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote over the past several days - with over 1,500 votes cast! This month's competition judge was Brian McClure of the Catchlight Camera Club. This months competition was split into three respective categories: Semi & Pro Photographers, Keen Amateur, Under 18's over the past several weeks. The results are as follows;


U18 Category Winner: Morgan Young.
Photography title: Winters Eve Steam.

Competition Judge Brian McClure's Comments: "From a different age of transport, this image captures an old coal or wood burning locomotive stopped alongside a signal box of the same vintage. The photograph is very sharp and is well composed with the aperture setting giving a good depth of field. The detail caught on both the locomotive and signal box is excellent as are the colours. The exposure is good and Morgan has treated the evening sky to what is either a slower shutter speed or a good knowledge of post editing software. Either way I feel it adds to the drama of the scene, as does the starburst emanating from a source to the left of the picture. Congratulations Morgan on an excellent entry".

U18 Category Winner: Morgan Young Photography title: Winters Eve Steam
Photograph: U18 Category Winner: Morgan Young. Photography title: Winters Eve Steam


Semi-Pro Section Winner : Vaida Stoskute.
Photograph title: beginner photographer.

Competition Judge Brian McClure's Comments: "I think this image achieves what the author intended in that it is exactly what a beginner in photography would seek to capture. The photograph shows a modern diesel train entering a station. It is taken low down and is well composed, with the train positioned on the  top third of the picture. The detail is sharp where it should be and Vaida has succeeded in having the rails and the platform edge act as “ lead in” lines to the subject itself. Although full of detail the photograph does not contain any distracting elements which would draw the eyes away from the main subject of the oncoming train. Once again I think the title of this work succeeds in disguising the fact that the author is really a rather skilled photographer. Well done Vaida".

Semi-Pro Section Winner : Vaida Stoskute Photograph title: beginner photographer
Photograph: Semi-Pro Section Winner: Vaida Stoskute. Photograph title: Beginner photographer.

Keen Amateur Section:Natasha McMenamin.
Photography Title: Form an Orderly Queue.

"Competition Judge Brian McClure's Comments: This image reveals the paradox of modern transport, in that against the backdrop of the most modern, fast and efficient version of a “Bullet Train” the inevitable queue tends to get even longer. The photograph is well exposed, is sharp and vibrant, the more you look at it the more you notice the little details like the platform numbers, and internal carriage details along with those of the passengers luggage. Natasha has obtained a good composition, with just the right lighting expected in a modern railway station. She has perfectly recorded the obvious frustration in the posture of the travellers'. This photograph certainly tells a story. Excellent work Natasha".

Keen Amateur Section:Natasha McMenamin. Photography Title: Form an Orderly Queue
Photograph: Keen Amateur Section:Natasha McMenamin. Photography Title: Form an Orderly Queue.


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