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Distraction Burglaries - Police Urge Public to be vigilant

Image: Domestic Burglary Poster

Police would like to remind the public to be vigilant when it comes to unexpected callers to your home.

Superintendent Simon Walls explains

“Unfortunately our statistics show that at this time of the year there is can be an increase in the number of distraction burglaries across Northern Ireland.  In some of these incidents cold callers talk their way into the homes of vulnerable people with the intent of stealing money or other valuable items. Sometimes they may distract a householder so an accomplice can enter unseen and steal.

Image: Protect your home
“To lessen your chance of falling victim to a bogus caller or distraction burglar we offer the following advice: “Before opening your front door to any caller, make sure your back door and any accessible windows are secure.

“Take a moment to secure your door chain (if you don't have one, consider getting one fitted) and use your spy hole or look out of the window to see if you recognise the caller. Do not open the door unless you have checked who is there.

“If the person claims to represent a business or organisation, ask them for ID and check it carefully (still with the door chain on). Many trades people will carry a photographic identification card and won't mind showing it to you.

“The QUICK CHECK scheme can be used to check the identity of callers. Freephone 0800 013 22 90 and an operator can quickly check with a range of service providers that the person at the door is a genuine representative.

“We understand it can feel awkward and uncomfortable to keep people standing on the doorstep but this is no reason to allow strangers, and possibly criminals, into your home. “Do not feel pressured, if you have any doubt - keep them out.  Neighbours can also play a part in helping protect the more vulnerable in their community and should look out for one another.  Report ALL suspicious activity to the police immediately.

Superintendent Walls continued:

“We also have our Nominated Neighbour Scheme.  This is an initiative if an unrecognised caller comes to the address of an older person when they are alone in the house, the caller will be shown a card instructing them to contact their Nominated Neighbour, who will then try and check the caller’s identity.
“The scheme seeks the help of neighbours or relatives to check whether unexpected callers are genuine, especially those calling on more vulnerable members of the community.

“You get a card to hold up to the window or door telling the caller that you do not recognise them and to go to your Nominated Neighbour. That person will then try to check the caller’s identity. A genuine caller will not mind following the instructions on the card.

Superintendent Walls Concluded

"If you have any concerns about any suspicious people or vehicles in your area, local police can be contacted on the non-emergency number 101 or anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. In an emergency always ring 999.”

About the Author

Image: Angeline Murphy - firmus energy PR, Sponsorships & Events
Angeline Murphy, Marketing Manager

Angeline Murphy manages all areas of Public Relations, Sponsorships, Events and is the Marketing Manager for firmus energy.


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