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firmus energy’s Top Tips for Energy Saving Week 2021

Energy Saving Week 2021

To mark the 20th Energy Saving Week in Northern Ireland, local natural gas company firmus energy has teamed up with the Energy Saving Trust to share top tips for energy efficiency measures in the home.

Energy Saving Week runs from 1st - 5th February 2021 and firmus energy staff have recruited their young families to share tips to raise awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of reducing our energy consumption. First to share their wisdom was a keen gamer from County Antrim, Carson Magee. The six year old proudly shared how he saves energy at home by not leaving appliances in standby mode, Carson said,

“I turn my Xbox and TV off at the wall when I’m finished with them.”

A simple tip but Carson’s action could save the Magee family £35 and offset 60kg of carbon dioxide ever year.1 firmus energy will be sharing Videos from Carson and others across social media throughout the week.

Being more energy efficient reduces household bills, helps alleviate fuel poverty, and creates a more sustainable future. firmus energy has a longstanding commitment to energy efficiency and is the only energy company in the UK to have all staff qualified to City & Guilds standard in Energy Awareness.

Speaking about the steps we can take to reduce our energy use, firmus energy Director of Engineering and Sustainability Eric Cosgrove said,

“It goes without saying that the dramatic shift to working and schooling from home has meant significant changes to how we consume energy. Even more reason to take note of the energy we are using and steps we can take to make a positive impact on the environment.

“The simple act of reducing the amount of energy we use, whether through more efficient appliances, insulation, having a shorter shower or turning devices off standby, can have a significant positive impact on household bills.”

Figures produced by the Energy Saving Trust show installing 270mm of new roof space insulation could save up to £160 and 610kg of carbon dioxide a year and external or internal solid wall insulation can also save around £245 and 930kg of carbon dioxide a year2.

Replacing an old oil boiler with an A-rated gas boiler with a full set of heating controls could save around £205 and 1,400kg of carbon dioxide a year3 and one minute less in the shower each day could save the average household as much as £18 a year4. Simply switching from oil to natural gas reduces carbon emissions by 48%5

To date firmus energy has installed over 10,000 fully controlled High Efficiency Natural Gas heating systems, roof space and cavity wall insulation measures in low income households as part of the Department for Communities’ Boiler Replacement Scheme and the Utility Regulator’s NI Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP).The natural gas company also partners with National Energy Action and Carbon Trust to deliver energy efficiency programmes, help inform consumer choice and alleviate fuel poverty.

To find out how you can save energy with natural gas call 0330 024 9000, visit or


Energy Saving Trust Caveats

1 This saving includes all appliances, consumer electronics, lights and chargers that have been left on standby mode or have been left on and not in use.

2Figures based on a typical three-bedroom semi-detached gas heated house, with an 87% efficient oil boiler and average gas tariff of 4.55p/kWh and electricity tariff of 17.82p/kWh; correct as of September 2020.

3 Based on an efficiency improvement from 65% to 90% for a gas boiler, assumes original boiler has some controls (programmer and room thermostat) with the A rated boiler has a full set of controls (programmer, room thermostat and TRVs).

4Based on a power shower with a flow rate of 16 litres a minute.

5Switching from an old inefficient oil heating system to a new fully controlled natural gas heating system reduces carbon emissions by up to 48%.

About firmus energy

firmus energy is a natural gas distribution and supply company, based in Antrim. Since 2006, firmus energy has connected over 50,000 customers in its network area (outside greater Belfast) and supplies natural gas to over 100,000 across Northern Ireland.

For all media queries or interviews, please contact Open Strategic Communications:

Kelly McVeigh 44 (0) 7580 850 224

Johnny Stewart 44 (0) 7785 458 136


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