Help & Advice Tip: My Pay-As-You-Go Top-Up meter is not working! I have no heating. My meter has error codes. Please Help!

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Safety & Maintenance

Energy saving tips: Saving money & the planet

Natural gas is not only the cleanest fossil fuel, it is one of the most efficient ways to heat your home.

Check out the energy saving tips below, courtesy of the Energy Saving Trust to see the simple things you can do today to help save energy around your home.

1. Draft-proof your home

2. Insulate your pipes

  • Insulating your hot water pipes is a quick and easy way to save energy. As well as reducing heat loss from your system, pipe lagging will also prevent pipes from getting too cold and bursting this winter.

3. Get a new boiler

  • Replace an old G-rated oil boiler with a new A-rated gas boiler with a full set of heating controls and you could save up to 25%. *Source SEAI page 6.

4. Upgrading to smart controls

  • Smart controls can help manage your heating remotely, to help prevent wasting heat whilst your away from home.

5. Top-Up your hot water cylinder insulation

  • All new hot water cylinders have some insulation, however those with a hot water tank jacket under 25mm thick could benefit with top up insulation.

6. Top-up your loft insulation

  • The majority of homes have some loft insulation but many don’t have the recommended 300mm depth.

7. Insulate your walls

  • Although wall insulation is a larger investment, and costs vary, it can result in a large saving.

8. Saving water at home

  • A dripping tap can waste more than 5,300 litres of water a year, so make sure your taps are properly turned off and change washers promptly when taps start to drip.

  • If you need to rinse utensils or wash vegetables, use cold water if possible and don’t leave the tap running. Make sure that dishwashers and washing machines are full before you use them, and ensure you always use the most efficient water and energy settings.

9. Standby

  • Avoid having appliances on standby and turn off devices when not in use.

10. Lighting

  • Turning off your lights when you don’t need them. LEDs are the most efficient lighting technology; they are available in most types of light fittings.



Call the Energy Saving Trust for further free and impartial advice: 0300 123 1234


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How do you pay for your natural gas?

By Credit

Do you receive a monthly bill for your energy usage?


With a Pay as You Go card

Do you purchase a top-up card for your energy?


What kind of business are you?

Small or Medium Business

Small businesses spend about £2,600 or less per bill. Medium businesses spend about £35,000 or less per bill.


Large Business

Large businesses spend about £250,000 or less per bill

Make sure you have your bank details and SMP or meter serial number ready

Bank details

All we need is your account number and sort code *


SMP Number

This is the number usually at the top right of your bill or on your connection paperwork

Okay, I have them

If your account requires 2 signatures, or you are not the bank account holder, please call us first on 0330 024 9000
If you don’t have this number, call our switch team on 0330 024 9000